Monday, August 8, 2011


Back to basics.

It's the simple, classic styles with a subtle new twist that are captivating my imagination this summer.  Horizontal striping, or banding, is tre' elegant in larger widths and shimmery, neutral colors.

8" taped-out, troweled-in Shimmerstone bands

A new twist on an old classic.
Subtle artist's trick: ceiling is painted a flat color that closely resembles the Shimmerstone hue, to maximize the drama of the top white stripe.  It's the "little things", remember?



  1. Like your Shimmerstone bands!
    I had 9" bands in my LR for the longest time and loved it the entire time. The tone on tone with metallic definitely takes it to the next level!

  2. Thanks Amy, nice to be validated. Glad to hear your bands had "legs." This was a nursery, and I encouraged the client that it would be stylish indefinitely. Baby/children's spaces should be an investment with "room to grow." :)

  3. Beautiful! I am trying to decide what to do with the walls in our soon to be nursery, and this definitely has my wheels turning.

  4. Wow, congratulations Jen-uinely! Nurseries are my *FAVORITE* rooms. If you have a chance, please read this article I wrote about the very precious process: And good luck to you!

  5. Each of them look stunning in their own way, the top one is more complex in nature, love the

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